Our E-mail:
MSN: cj750net@hotmail.com
Skype: cj750net
Facebook: CJ750







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  • Sell / buy
  • Custom paint jobs
  • Engine repair for 24hp, 32hp, 22hp
  • Transmission repair
  • Coordinate your documentation
  • Custom chrome parts
  • Engine tuning and maintainence
  • Electric welding
  • Accessories
  • Export of Chang Jiang 750 sidecars
  • Export documents
  • 24/7 Outcall roadside repair



Big Bill's Bikes is the only CJ750 shop that itemize all it services, details of what goes into a restoration and a complete price list! We are also currently have Beijing largest sidecar showrom with over 120 sqm of space to display our sidecars. There is no bargining here as our prices are down to earth, and we have set the standards for service, benchmark for quality and have transparent prices. We do not discriminate foreigners with high prices, we do not have sky high prices and make you beg and bargin for a discount, we do not have a fancy bullshit story to tell you about something being hard to find or vintage, we do not claim to have exclusive access to the PLA surplus, you can read more about that on our FAQs, you will not purchase a CJ750 from us and find one better built elsewhere for less. We warrenty all of sidecars and you can talk to bikers in Beijing that has a bike from us and importantly talk to our customers that have resold their CJ750 sidecars at the same price they bought from us or even more.

The Chang Jiang 750 sidecars are old technology motorcycles, they leak oil, they get out of tune, the gears sometimes slip, the brakes do not stop well, and they are inexpensive to buy in Beijing, and will not be extinct, etc. The Chang Jiang 750 is a high maintenance toy. This motorcycle is not for those that want to go 200KM on the freeway and stop on a dime. However it will turn heads, give you loads of fun, carry the grocery, take the kids to the park, and you will learn to love it.

Big Bill's Bikes (aka ZMW) has high quality work, excellent service, professional maintenence and importantly honest prices which is why we are the heart of the Chang Jiang 750 community in Beijing. No "bullshit!" check around and then see what we have and our prices and read our FAQs to answer some of your questions.

ABOUT US....CHANG JIANG 750 Experts:

Are you looking for reliable service, quality workmanship, and most importantly, honest prices? Big Bill's Bikes is the answer for your Chang Jiang 750 sidecar. Big Bill's Bikes mechanics have been servicing local and foreign Chang Jiang 750 sidecar riders since early 1990's. Big Bill's Bikes is THE PLACE to purchase your Chang Jiang 750 and for quality restorations at the best prices in town. If you are thinking about buying a Chang Jiang 750 visit us and have a consultation to the current market situation, if someone is offering you a Chang Jiang 750 bring it by for a second opinion! We'll let you know if you're getting your money's worth and make sure all details are covered.

We use the highest quality parts and put our hearts into making sure that the Chang Jiang 750 sidecars is at their optimal performance. During the holidays our customers take their Chang Jiang 750 sidecars for rides of up to 5,000 Kilometers. Since 1999, every year our Chang Jiang 750 sidecars have participated in the Yin Chuan Motorbike festival and have made it back to Beijing . Yin Chuan is about 3,000 kilometers round trip ride from Beijing, you can check out pictures of the ride in our gallery.

During the yearly Cool Bike Festival in Beijing , over 200 Chang Jiang 750 sidecars show up and over 40% of the attending Chang Jiang 750 riders are our customers. That says much of our Chang Jiang 750 sidecars and the quality of work that we put into them. Members of the largest local Chang Jiang 750 sidecar clubs in Beijing bring their Chang Jiang 750 sidecars to us for maintenance, customization and sales. We also provide ride support to our friends going all over China on their Chang Jiang 750 sidecars. Our large customer base and friends gives us great access to Chang Jiang 750 sidecars, parts, and also a great network of people helping us to develop the sidecar business. Our customers are our family and they have decided to help put this website together so that you now have an opportunity to see the great Chang Jiang 750 sidecars that we build and customize, importantly check out the great deals we have.

We have a large inventory of Chang Jiang 750 sidecars and probably the largest PLA inventory in Beijing ready to be customized for you. We have all sorts of unused old stock PLA parts, and most importantly, regardless of who you are, we will sell it to you at the local prices. We are the only Chang Jiang 750 sidecar website to list details of our restorations, prices and importantly market information to help you with your purchase. Our expatriate clients includes people from: U.S. Embassy, Canadian Embassy, Austrian Embassy, Australian Embassy, Chilean Embassy, French Embassy, Argentina Embassy, Thai Embassy, Boeing, Intel, IBM, Baker Hughes, Shell, ABB, BMW, Volkswagen, Siemens, Nokia, IWNC, etc. We have helped hundreds of people with their Chang Jiang 750 sidecars every year so ask around and find out why they choose ZMW. Visit our shop and see our latest work and find the real deal in Beijing and now to you via the internet.

This site is run by Chang Jiang 750 sidecar enthuiasts and our goal is to give you an idea of the Beijing market and importantly factual information so that you will be able to have an opportunity to own one of these great Chang Jiang 750 sidecars without being ripped off. ZMW has Chang Jiang 750 sidecars, PLA issued surplus Chang Jiang 750 sidecars, 1960 Chang Jiang M72 with URAL frames, Chang Hong, Hong Yang, Dong Hai, Shang Dong, and Xiang Jiang, M5s, Xing Fu… the list goes on so check out our site frequently for updates and visit us our shop. We will be updating the site with new Chang Jiang 750 sidecars that we have customized and interesting things that we find. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


Like any successful business model, our business philosophy is to make a better bike at the same price or sell the same bike at a better price; otherwise we would be out of business. Our business has primarily been with people living in Beijing and we sell our Chang Jiang 750 sidecars at the same prices to foreigners and locals and importantly we guarantee our work. This practice has created a large community of people that help and support our business over the years and have become our Chang Jiang 750 family. We must be doing something right to be in business for so long. We provide our clients with the best deals in town and now to the whole world via the internet. You can check out our Chang Jiang 750 sidecars and see what we are offering and what the prices in Beijing are. We place a strong empahsis on professional work and offering the highest quality to our customers. Our site list prices and many detailed information. Visit all the dealers before you make your decision.

E-mail us and check out why we're the CHANG JIANG 750 experts! Chat with us on MSN Messenger

MSN Chat: cj750net@hotmail.com
Skype: cj750net


Our business philosophy in action means that if your Chang Jiang 750 only needs some minor tuning, we will tell you so! When you buy a bike from us, we assure you that it will be exactly what you ordered and expected or better. When you buy parts from us we assure you that they will work and of the highest quality. We have all sorts of Chang Jiang 750 parts, and old goodies. We want you on your Chang Jiang 750 ASAP and go tell a friend what a awesome deal you got and then have him also be our customer.

Chang Jiang 750 are very sensitive machines, and many are not running well because of poor tuning of the carburetors or the valves need adjustments, timing or some minor fine-tuning and adjustment. At Big Bill's Bikes, we assure you that a bike bought from us will be in excellent condition! We normally test ride new Chang Jiang 750 over 200KM to ensure that it is working properly before we give the keys to the new owners. For minor repairs we usually do it as you wait because it is the normal practice of local Chang Jiang 750 riders to actually see what is being done. Our business is the heart of the local Chang Jiang 750 community.

If you buy a Chang Jiang 750 from us, you can ride assured that it will be in excellent condition, we guarantee you our quality and service and that it runs well under normal riding conditions. We do not like running around town towing Chang Jiang 750 sidecars, we want you to have a problem free Chang Jiang 750 and to tell your friends about us and be part of our Chang Jiang 750 family. Read our FAQ's and learn more about the Chang Jiang 750.


Visit our friend's websites
click on the logos!

The Chang Jiang 750
community site. Forum,
pictures, dealers, blog,
ride calender. A must visit
for CJ750 owners. Find out what's happening, the latest rides, events, and post your pictures.

Beijing Sidecars
Some really cool pictures, check out Beijing Sidecars site. China's oldest and largest sidecar motorcycle club!

Shanghai Sidecars
Our partners in Shanghai
check out this cool site!

Sidecar Travel
Motorcycle fun and weekend rides in China

Jim Bryant
BMW powered CJ750

Dealer selling CJ750 Sidecars in the USA, also Urals and Dnpers.

EV Shanghai
EV Beijing
Electric Bicycles - custom manufacturing and servicing for delivery.

Beijing's top MMA Gym located at Jianwai Soho