this look fun?
you are in Bejing and own a CJ750 sidecar,
join us for a ride on any weekend. If you
are interested special travel arrangements
via sidecar or motorcycle, send an e-mail
to cj750net@gmail.com.
all of our FAQs and jump the learning curve.
Please feel free to send us any information
that will help another rider.
double click
on pix to see ride gallery
Intro Page:
following Tips and FAQ pages have been gathered
from e-mails, talking to riders, and importantly
written by fellow Chang Jiang 750 riders that
have been riding many decades. Some of the contributors
to the site have been trained on the Chang Jiang
750 sidecars as soldiers in the 1960's and 1970's
have been riding for more than 40 years.
matter where you get your Chang Jiang 750, you
will find the following FAQs helpful and will
answer many questions, cuts through all the myths
and Bullshit, and importantly gives you some light
on owning and understand the Chang Jiang 750.
your research before you buy, and if you have
any experience or something to contribute, please
feel free to send us your experience, any tips,
FAQ, or information.
on the bold blue text to read more in html, and
also available in PDF:
and Buying a Chang Jiang 750 in Beijing:
A must read for those living in Beijing and
wanting to own and ride a Chang Jiang 750
sidecar, get all the information before you
make your decision. Many CJ750 owners will
wish they have read this because it spells
out all you need to know and why you should
not buy an illegally registered CJ750 especially
when legally licensed ones are available.
- Owning
a Chang Jiang 750 in Other Parts of China:
See those incredible
sidecars around and want one? A must read for
the expat in China outside of Beijing that wants
to own a CJ750.
Looking to buy a CJ750, you definitely need
to read this before you make any commitment.
All the little details that will avoid a lemon.
and Truth About the Chang Jiang 750:
There is so much misinformation in the market,
find out the facts about "fake parts,
PLA bikes, new bikes, and all the rumors and
stories, and a must read for those that have
forgotten about the Great Leap Forward, cottage
industries, communes, and Lysanko's influence,
and especially those that believe that there
are fake Chang Jiang 750 sidecars.
- Data
and Specification:
Basic technical data.
and Exporting a Chang Jiang 750:
This should answer many of your questions
pertaining to getting a CJ750 to your country.
A must to read for those that want to buy
a CJ750 from overseas via the internet. This
takes the myth and B.S. out of getting a CJ750
and will answer many basic questions like
what documents you need. Many shops will not
give you all the details till you make a committment.
We tell it like it is! Buy your CJ750 with
all the facts straight from Big Bill's Bikes.
Registration Translation:
Translation (PDF doc.) needed for registration
purposes. This is a copy of the proof of ownership.
If anyone can send me a French, German, Dutch
etc. version it would be great for us to post
it to help out fellow CJ owners.. Some countries
require this to be notorized from an offical
translation service.
- Shipping
How much does it cost to ship a Chang Jiang
750 to your port.
- Ready
to buy?:
If you ready to buy, click on this page and
we will get started.
Did someone say "Chinese" chrome
rust? This will clear up rumors and B.S. about
the quality of Chrome, unlike what some site
and dealer claims, there is excellent chrome
available in China and you can have it for
your CJ750.
- Paint
Information on Big Bill's Bikes incredible paint jobs and
seamless pinstripes. Big Bill's Bikes paint jobs set the
quality standards.
Restoration Details:
Like those CJ750 that some dealers sell for
up to 10,000USD? Well similar looking CJ750
with better quality are available at Big Bill's Bikes for
a fraction of the outrageous price that are
charged to foreigners, so find out all the
details of what goes into a premium restoration.
This is excellent reference material on what
you should get for your money.
of PLA Issued CJ750:
Get all the facts on the big fuss about PLA
because there are thousands of them waiting
for you. Read about how you can own a PLA
issued Chang Jiang 750 sidecars for export
on this page and importantly why PLA is very
common. This will clear the B.S. and you will
find out about the real reason why most shops
use PLA CJ750 sidecars for export. There is
no exclusive dealer for PLA issued sidecars!
and stock is not going to run out.
The hottest word in the Chang Jiang 750 world.
If you have a passion for PLA in front of
everything you buy then this is definitely
something you need to read to buy a PLA branded
CJ750. A must for those that have to own a
PLA issued Chang Jiang 750 sidecar. Read this
and find out how you can own a PLA issued
Chang Jiang 750 sidecar at the local Beijing
prices from Big Bill's Bikes.
for WW2 Restoration:
All the details of for WWII re-enactors and
WWII military sidecar enthusiast. Read the
details and compare what we offer. We are
the only shop to list all of our details with
no B.S. Get ezactly what you order and more,
this is details you must have to get a high
quality restoration!
R75 History:
A short story of how the R75 came abouts from
WWII enthusiast.
- Chang
Jiang 750 History:
Another version of the CJ750 story.
- New
Owner Tips:
Very important information for new owners to
better understand their new toy. This will give
you all the basics and save you lots of headache.
and Problems:
Lots of short basic information to help you
know your Chang Jiang 750 and understand all
the little problems that can occur, you definitely
need to read this to understand your old timer
motorcycle. 1940's technology at its best,
this FAQ will save you alot of misunderstanding
and also worry with your Chang Jiang 750.
- Breaking
in Process:
properly broken in CJ750 will give you the best
- Carburator
engine missing a beat, poor accelerationg, white
smoke, no power, etc..Some tips on setting your
- Distributor
Having a hard time starting your bike or it
has no power?
- Gear
Having gear slipping problems? Before you take
apart your transmission, have it adjusted.
- Plugs
and Valves:
Problems with over heating or funny clicking
noises in the engine?
finally pages of my personal experiences and learning
from dealing with some of the local shops:
to Buy a Chang Jiang 750:
What you should look for in Buying a CJ750,
work in progress and strictly my own experience
and personal opinion. A recap of everything
above and some interesting stories.
CJ750 Con:
The CJ750 rip off artist and CJ750 shop cons:
Find out how to avoid them and it will for
sure save you some money and headache. Read
this and you will go up the learning curve
much faster and will cost you less money,
less headache, and you will get better service.
by Chang Jiang 750 riders for Chang Jiang 750
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