Classic Chang Jiang Sidecar - M72
comtemplated a long time before we actually loaded
these pictures. For any collector of M72 sidecars,
it will be interesting. It is not glamours but
it shows you the reality of what some of these
old (40 years) sidecars look like when we get
them. You can tell that most of them are in poor
condition and needs to be totally rebuilt. We
have seen junk yards with many of them being cut
and sold as scrap metal. We have often towed these
bikes back to Beijing only to find that the frames
have been rusted out from the inside and will
fall apart. The reason why the locals riders will
not spend much to rebuild them is because they
are too old to be licensed and are not road legal
thus they risk it being confiscated when riding
them. Listed below is also a picture of a Chang
Jiang made bucket frame that is similar to the
M72 bucket frame, this frame is made in China
where as the older frames are Russian made.
are quite a few of these old Chang Jiang M72 around,
mostly in the country side and we also know of
people in Beijing that have them sitting in the
yard waiting for a new home. All these old Chang
Jiang sidecars need lots of work to make it run
again and if you are interested in restoring a
Chang Jiang M72, feel free to
contact us.
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BMW powered CJ750

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