YinChuan Ride:
YinChuan ride goes through 5 provinces if the ride
heads out of Beijing from the north and returns from
the south. It goes through Inner Mongolia, NingXia,
Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Hebei before returning to Beijing.
Inner Mongolia has flat roads and and the landscape
is mostly desert and plains. The sky is usually very
blue and clear while the temperature is a bit cold
during October. Coming back to Beijing from the south
we hit coal country. The road back through Shanxi
is one of the roughest roads in China, aside from
poor road conditions, it is jammed with trucks carrying
coal, and the sky is forever grey. It is a definite
challenge. Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi and it
is a bit of a boring town though it is rapidly changing.
One can go to the famous walled city of PingYao along
the way. This walled cisty is famous because it use
to be the banking and financial center of China.
is the capital of Ning Xia is the province and is
famous in history as the cradle of Chinese civilization.
It is where the Xia and the Sheng Dynasty was based.
This is where all the pictograms where found on turtle
shells, and is the earliest record of the Chinese
great thing abour riding around China is that every
city that we go to we are greeted by friends and other
Chang Jiang 750 clubs.
2005 < 01 | 02
| 03 | 04
Ride gallery, Sjaak
Lucassen, Thomas Nakladal,
Mike Wix and Royce, Jim
2005 < 01 | 02
| 03 | 04
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