for Performance and Beauty!
Custom buckets are available for your Chang Jiang 750. We also make buckets for HD bikes. We can fabricate almost any type of bucket and sideframe. Also check out our uphostery for our buckets - there are many more pix on the leather pages. Duck boards are standard on all of our Chang Jiang 750 resorations.
For the double seat bucket, we occassionally use them, however they are NOT recommended because it is too small for adult and it is designed not for sitting but for use as a bed. There are also bolts and nuts facing the passenger which can cause bodily injury. In some cases the hindges have known to break off due to excessive vibration and weight of the back wheel.
Check our our trainer / racing sidecar rig. This is an original 1960s rig on an M72 bike with 30hp engine.
The Monaco style (brickland) windscreens are very popular on buckets especially on R71 style Chang Jiang 750 restorations. We have two types, small ones and large ones. The width is the same, the height of the glass is different as pictured below.
When purchasing your Chang Jiang 750, make sure that your bucket is not thickly covered with filler. Many shops reuse rusted buckets by covering all the swollen joint areas with bondo. You should be able to see the where the metal in the bucket is folded and joined. Just give it a tap and you can hear the metal or the bondo. |
battery 01 | bucket 01 | carburetors 01 | electrical 01 | engine 01, 02
fender 01 | forks & frame 01 | custom leather 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06,
lights 01, 02, 03 | misc 01 | seats 01 | wheels 01, 02, 03
WWII R75 details 01, 02, 03, 04
battery 01 | bucket 01 | carburetors 01 | electrical 01 | engine 01, 02
fender 01 | forks & frame 01 | custom leather 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06,
lights 01, 02, 03 | misc 01 | seats 01 | wheels 01, 02, 03
WWII R75 details 01, 02, 03, 04
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community site. Forum,
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for CJ750 owners. Find out what's happening, the latest rides, events, and post your pictures. |

Beijing Sidecars
Some really cool pictures, check out Beijing Sidecars site.
China's oldest and largest sidecar motorcycle club! |

Shanghai Sidecars
Our partners in Shanghai
check out this cool site!

Jim Bryant
BMW powered CJ750

Dealer selling CJ750 Sidecars
in the USA, also Urals and Dnpers.

EV Shanghai
EV Beijing
Electric Bicycles - custom manufacturing and servicing for delivery.

Beijing's top MMA Gym located at Jianwai Soho