on Chang Jiang 750 Sidecars!
out the hot chicks on our sidecars. A Chang Jiang 750
sidecar is definitely a magnet, and it is sure to turn
heads! This is a big reason to get a CJ750, actually
it may be the only reason to get one.
Chang Jiang 750 sidecar is great for the mountains because
it can carry luggage and passengers. Importantly it
can handle off road, wet roads, mud, and rough terrain.
year we have an off road challenge in the local mountains.
This pass is basically a very steep mountain road that
requires excellent riding skill and a well performing
CJ750 to make it. If you own a CJ750 in Beijing, this
is one ride you certainly do not want to miss. Contact
us for more details of this ride. |
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Yinchuan 2005,
Sjaak Lucassen,
Thomas Nakladal,
Mike and Royce,
Jim Bryant
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Visit our friend's websites
click on the logos!

The Chang Jiang 750
community site. Forum,
pictures, dealers, blog,
ride calender. A must visit
for CJ750 owners. Find out what's happening, the latest rides, events, and post your pictures. |

Beijing Sidecars
Some really cool pictures, check out Beijing Sidecars site.
China's oldest and largest sidecar motorcycle club! |

Shanghai Sidecars
Our partners in Shanghai
check out this cool site!

Jim Bryant
BMW powered CJ750

Dealer selling CJ750 Sidecars
in the USA, also Urals and Dnpers.

EV Shanghai
EV Beijing
Electric Bicycles - custom manufacturing and servicing for delivery.

Beijing's top MMA Gym located at Jianwai Soho