Respect 1/2:
is very important for new riders and especially if
you want to be invited to go out on rides. Load your
gas up to a full tank before showing up at meeting
point. Be on time. Carry some spare parts and extra
motor oil. If you borrow any parts make sure you replace
it. If you borrow tools make sure you return it. Smaller
engines (24hp) in the front, larger engines (32hp)
in the back. Loud pipes in the back of the group.
Beginners in the front, let the ride leader know its
your first time out. Do not wander off and make everyone
wait for you. If the rider in front pulls over, stop
and wait and if necessary provide assistance. When
approaching turns look back and if you do not see
if the rider is there, if not and wait. If there are
any road conditions that needs extra attention give
a hand signal. If you like to stop to take photos,
ride in the back of the group and let others know
you will be stopping for photos. For long distance
rides have your bike inspected and tuned before you
go. Keep the areas you visit clean.
not ride like an Asshole!: If someone is passing a
vehical, do not parallel pass on the opposite side.
Do not swerve back and forth, stay in a straight line
so the guy in front of you knows your position. Do
not use your high beam at night. Do not ride in the
bicycle lane. Do not overtake other riders. Do not
ride parallel especially on winding roads. If you
need to go back or make a U-turn, pull over and wait
till all riders pass you. If you are going to leave
from the group, let the ride leader know. If your
bike is in questionable condition stay home.
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Yinchuan 2005,
Sjaak Lucassen,
Thomas Nakladal,
Mike and Royce,
Jim Bryant
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| 09 >
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Beijing Sidecars
Some really cool pictures, check out Beijing Sidecars site.
China's oldest and largest sidecar motorcycle club! |

Shanghai Sidecars
Our partners in Shanghai
check out this cool site!

Jim Bryant
BMW powered CJ750

Dealer selling CJ750 Sidecars
in the USA, also Urals and Dnpers.

EV Shanghai
EV Beijing
Electric Bicycles - custom manufacturing and servicing for delivery.

Beijing's top MMA Gym located at Jianwai Soho